
14 Jun

Why Summer Can Be a Great Time For Therapy

Summer is a great time to relax, unwind, and spend more time with family.  It can also be a good time for therapy.

For those that have already been in therapy, summer can be a consistency in the midst of less structured time.  It can be a time to grow and learn before facing the stresses of school and relationships of the next year.

For young children that will be starting TK or K next year, it is a great time to learn social skills and coping skills for beginning their school journey.

Children in elementary school can use therapy as a time to share about experiences from the previous school year and learn new ways to solve problems or relate to others.

New middle schoolers can find therapy useful for guidance and help with the transition from elementary school to the usually bigger and less personable middle school.  Middle schoolers will find more independence and a greater need for self direction and organization.

For teens entering high school, they can find an ally and trusted confidant in their therapist who can help them navigate all the changes and new challenges of high school.

During the summer, parents can practice more self-care with less pressure from taking kids to school, school events, and help with homework.  While, couples can re-focus on each other, shared goals, and hopes for the future.

So whatever your plans are for summer, include some therapy to benefit everyone.

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